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Great Reads for Good Food

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2020 Sees More Health and Wellness Options Than Ever

According to estimates, over half of America's population makes some sort of New Year's resolution in terms of wellness. Quitting smoking, giving up the drinking, and the most popular of all, losing weight and t...

Deadly Coronavirus Now Present in Every State Throughout the Country

It would appear as if the entire nation is now under the grip of the rapidly spreading coronavirus. Every state in the country now has confirmed cases with large metropolitan centers bearing the brunt of t...

Boosting Your Immune System in the Time of Pandemic. What You Can Do

With a global pandemic sweeping across the planet, you may be wondering how you can naturally boost your immune system. While there is no way that you can completely prepare your body to fight off the COVI...

These COVID-19 Prevention Measures Could Reduce Spread of Influenza

Epidemiologists are predicting that the United States could experience an increase in the spread of COVID-19 during the upcoming winter months of the year. This increase in cases is likely to come at the sam...

How to Cope With Pandemic, Election and Holiday Stress

Dr. Astrid Pujari, who is the Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Virginia Mason, explains that people are reporting high levels of stress related to the presidential debate that took place this past Tuesd...

Want to Share Your Excitement About Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine? Think Again

You cannot get on social media these days without seeing snapshots of COVID-19 vaccination cards. It is understandable that people are excited to share the good news when they are lucky enough t...

Financial Wisdom We Received from Our Moms

While economists spend years learning the intricacies of our monetary system, many will tell you that some of the best financial advice they received was from their parents. Mothers can be particularly adept at instilling fiscal resp...

7 Tips That Will Help Prevent Work From Taking Over Your Life

With increasing interconnectedness and the necessity of working as many hours as it takes to get ahead, striking a healthy balance between your work life and personal life has become more difficult than ever. This ...

Many Hospitals are Nearing ICU Capacity. Why is This a Critical Situation?

Nearly everyone is aware that the COVID-19 health crisis is causing a significant strain on the hospital capacity in areas all across the nation. With confirmed cases of the deadly virus surging almo...