Exploring the Lessons Learned as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Bryan Miller
Published Jan 21, 2025

Looking back over the last year, it is clear that the world has learned some important lessons as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This global health crisis has put the spotlight on health and wellness while also emphasizing the importance of science and preparedness. Here are just a few of the things that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught health professionals and the world.

Have a Stash of Essentials on Hand

Nobody will soon forget the rush for toilet paper and other essentials that happened during the early days of the crisis. The panic buying was in full force as families raced to stock up on what they needed to hunker down. This experience was a good lesson for everyone about the importance of having a stash of essentials on hand.

This includes toilet paper, canned goods, bottled water, and other non-perishables. It is also a good idea to make sure you have enough prescription medications and cash to get you through a crisis.

Health is More Than Just Your Physical Well-Being

For so long, medical professionals largely defined health as your physical well-being. This year of upheaval has taught many that health is more than just the state of your body. Physical health is only part of the picture when defining your overall wellness.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced people to look at mental and emotional health in a completely different way. Nearly everyone now understands the importance of mental health to your overall well-being.

Human Contact is Essential

Along the way, individuals also realized that human contact is essential to their health. Even the introverts could only take being alone for so long. A virtual happy hour might have been a suitable alternative for the first few months of the quarantine, but it did not take long for people to start itching to have a real human connection.

The younger populations had a particularly difficult time navigating this new way of life. The silver lining is that most people will now be more appreciative of the time that they get to spend together with loved ones.

Comorbidities Should be Taken Seriously

The role of existing health conditions in the fight against COVID-19 could not be any more clear. It became obvious very quickly that those most susceptible to experiencing serious complications with the virus are those that had multiple comorbidities. Regardless of it was being overweight, high blood pressure, asthma, or any other health condition, the hope is that COVID-19 has encouraged people to take better care of their health.

Now is the time to address your existing health conditions. Do not wait for the next bump in the road to scare you into taking care of your body.

Science is Amazing

Years from now when the world looks back at this unprecedented time in history, it will be science that gets all of the credit for getting us out of it. The scientific community has proved that it can band together and accomplish amazing things. The list of accolades during this time is vast. From developing an extremely effective vaccine in record time to finding new ways to treat existing cases of the virus with more success, science worked at a breakneck speed to get COVID-19 under control.

Self-Care is Essential

What used to be considered an indulgence by many is now considered to be essential. There is no denying the importance of self-care, especially during a pandemic. With stress levels at all-time highs, many people had to lean on comforting mechanisms to get through the tough times. While self-care looks different for everyone, the bottom line is that it should not be viewed as an indulgence. For most people, taking care of your own needs first is a necessity for a happy and healthy life.

Masks Work

Even after the threat of COVID-19 has passed, do not be surprised if facial coverings are still a common sight. As people have learned that masks do indeed work, it is likely that these facial coverings will be around on some level. Like Asian countries, it will not be surprising if America adopts a more mask-friendly culture. This will be especially true during cold and flu season.

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